Friday, January 27, 2012

Paying the rent

After almost five weeks of glorious holiday I find myself back at my desk glaring at my screen, punching in words and numbers and dreaming of being whisked away from the reality of work.

Oddly, I actually enjoy my job! For the most part I work with wonderful people who are talented, professional and committed. My salary covers my rent and allows for my annual leave, but sadly it doesn't give me the freedom to plan a great escape to a world of frivolous adventure and pleasure - a place where I can do as I please and when I want.

The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. Or is it? I'm sure Mr Wine- or Dairy- farmer doesn't think how lucky he is when he's up at 4am to check his vines and milk his cows, seven days a week and 365 days a year. I'm sure the romance of living and working on a farm wears off quickly once reality sets in.

When would I be able to have that Saturday morning lie-in? Or take a five week holiday?

So 2012: I face you armed with my thoughts, dreams and determination to do more of the things I love and to do them well. And of course enjoy what I do!

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